
  • EITF collaborated with rural communities to build Bukima and Saragana    secondary schools in Musoma  District, Mara Region; inaugurated by His Excellence Vice President (The late) Dr. Omary Ally Juma (1998) and Honorable Prime Minister Fredrick Sumaye (2000) respectively.
  • EITF collaborated with National Election Commission in providing Voters Education to Mara Region population during 2000 National Elections.
  • EITF linked Ushindi Group, Temeke with Washington D.C USA based organization on Mother and Child Health and Family Planning education program (2001).
  • EITF undertook feasibility studies on poverty eradication project in agriculture at old Shinyanga village; Fishery project at Murangi village, Musoma District; Livestock keeping/ Marketing projects at Ibumila village, Njombe District (2001).
  • EITF collaborated with Donors to rehabilitate classrooms for Mugulani P/S, Temeke District; Sotele P/S, Mkuranga District; Msangani, Mazizi, Mwanamakuka and Kidomole P/S, Bagamoyo District, Coast Region, Inyala P/S, Mbeya District, Mbeya Region (2001).
  • EITF collaborated with UNESCO, Dsm for Tandika Leaders’ Seminar on education program for out of school children and most vulnerable group (2004).